Day 1: July 30, 2010
Google "drive across Canada." One of the first few sites to come up is "43 things," a bucket-list forum of sorts, where visitors share their random life aspirations, be it learning to knit, bungee jumping, or driving across Canada.
When I first learned that I'd be 'trapped' in Canada for the next two month while passport and visa bureaucracy played out, I shelved my plans to adventure abroad and went looking within my own borders.
Looking for some inspiration and exciment in what a cross-Canada adventure would have to offer, I found myself at "43 things" reading the only post shown in the past six months. With the username Storm Cunningham, this poster was planning a trip from Toronto to Vancouver leaving in late July 2010;
"Out to the left side this summer... So AMPED!!"
Sporting a 70's retro suit, aviators, and a massive 'stach his profile picture, Storm Cunningham was either in a great costume or an aging hippie looking for some young blood.
As we cruise along highway 17 west having pinched and lifted Sudbury's big nickel and on our way to the Soo, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the former.
It sounds like the makings of a reckless 24-year-old girl's disaster adventure, but hear me out. Feeling optimistic and adventurous, I too created a "43 things" account under the name "driveacrosscanada 2010," posted a photo, and gleefully declared my intentions to drive to van around the same time, and that I had the chariot of choice to make the trek.
Two days later I get a phone call on my cell phone.
In a deep, gruff voice, "Hi Drive Across Canada 2010. It's Storm. Storm Cunningham."
I hadn't given my phone number on the website. I hadn't even given my real name.
"Whatttt? Hi!?" I'm excited that something came of my whimsical post, but this quickly reverts to paranoia. "How on earth did you get my phone number??"
"Oh, well, I've been incredibly resourceful," says Storm.
"No kidding," I say. "But seriously, how'd you get my number??'
He breaks out in laughter and then I realize that I'm the victim of a well-staged prank, and that a classmate from Queen's, Marc, was on the other end of the line. I learn that Marc was called over to a colleague's desk to check out a post from this "seemingly normal" girl who had replied to his colleague's "43 things post"- a colleague by the name of Storm Cunningham... aka Andrew Kingston. The internet is a small world!
And here we are, Storm, Smith and I, cruising in the Saturn, next stop: VANCOUVER.
I met Smith this morning- Storm and Smith went to highschool together.
Storm's drink of choice, if he was only to have one thing to drink for the rest of his life, would be chocolate milk. "That's bold," I say. Wait- as I write this, he's now switched to water.
Smith has never been further north than cottage country- so the sweeping Canadian shield is all new territory for him. Lucky for Storm and I, Smith studied up with National Geographic ONDemand and learned all about how North America became what it is today. We've asked that this be saved until he's had a few beers- history is alwasy more entertaining that way.
Twenty questions was launched early on, and I pulled out the "concrete barrier" as a kick-off stumper. Smith did have us wondering for a while with "the sun," and Storm proved his worth with "matches."
A guide to Canadian microbreweries led us to the Robert Simpson ale shop in downtown Barrie. The friendly hostess helped us celebrate the start of our adventure with free samplers and a chance to check out the waterfront brewing silos.
"You headed to the cottage for the weekend?" she asks.
"Ah, nope. Vancouver, actually," says Storm.
"Haha, right. Really?"
Hot spots may be tough to find... in fact we just whizzed by a motel advertising Free Wireless, "Hurry Bonita, upload now, UPLOAD!" they say. I wasn't quick enough for that one, but I'll post as often as possible.